12 June 2006

World Cup 2006 & USA

First off - disappointing loss to the Czech Republic this morning, but what can you expect from the number two ranked team in the world? I guess I was hoping that the US would give it a run like they did four years ago and surprise the world with getting as far as they did. Hopefully they won't let this loss effect the rest of their games.

Second - and what this blog is really about is an article I read in the paper today, while eating a Big City carnitas burrito. The US team is followed everywhere they go by a huge security entourage and - get this - their team bus is the only bus out of all of the teams at the 2006 World Cup that isn't marked with the team name, the country, or the flag. In fact, the USA team bus is completely unmarked. What does that say about the state of our nation that we can't even advertise the presence of our soccer team because we're too worried that it might become a target for terrorists?

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