24 August 2006

"Snakes on a Plane" review

This is not so much of a review as a suggestion to go see this movie. There are plenty of other reviews out there from writers with a greater gift for words than I have, so if you want to read a fun review, check all of those out.

First of all, I give this movie kudos for it's marketing racket. "Snakes on a Plane" as a title? Of course I'm going to see this movie. It leaves no mystery as to what the movie is going to be about. It's going to be about snakes - on a plane. If you're not into movies for the pure sake of entertainment and fun, if you're not into great B-movies, you're not going to see this, because it's called "Snakes on a Plane". However, if you want to see an entertaining movie, how could you not see it? So I was super excited when I saw the previews.

Then I got a call from Samuel L Jackson and thought it was so cool that I proceeded to have him call a bunch of my friends. That was awesome. I still have the message he left saved on my phone. Hopefully I won't rack up too many minutes listening to it. If you want to have Samuel L Jackson call one of your friends check out www.snakesonaplane.com

So finally the other night a group of my friends and I went to go see it. It did not dissappoint. There were scenes that made you jump, scenes that made you squirm, scenes that made you laugh, and scenes that made you say "oh snap!" Now, it's definitly not a kids movie. There's a lot of violence (basically a whole mess of snakes killing a whole mess of people - on a plane) there's some sex and of course the obligatory language that comes with Samuel L Jackson being a bad ass mother.

The movie is awesome. Go see it. I have to give it 10 out of 10 just because it was such a fun time. I'd see it again.

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