12 March 2007

And so it begins...

So if any of you do not know - a couple friends and I started an Irish band awhile back for the sole purpose of having way too much fun the week of St Paddy's Day. It is a goal I think we might just accomplish.

The band is called "Juice of the Barley" after the Gaelic quote (not written here in Gaelic, but in English so that more that 6 people can read it):

"The milk of the cow is good for the calf, but the juice of the barley for me"

The band numbers 4, and features Dennis Bigelow on the guitar and lead vocals, Carole Lundren on fiddle, Sam Ernst on bodhran and harmony vocals, and myself on piano, harmonica, lead and harmony vocals.

It's been way too much fun getting together and jamming, and we've decided to stick around awhile and play year round, depending on the gigs that we get.

And on Saturday night, the madness started. We had a small intimate kickoff party with some great friends and some great beer to get things started. If you were unfortunate enough to miss said party, check out the Juice of the Barley myspace site for the complete rundown of all upcoming shows.

The pictures are from our living room show, I have to send props out to Kim who is responsible for the Manchester jersey and hat I'm wearing - I know it's not Irish, but I was so unbelievably excited that I got it, I had to wear it for the party.

And so raise your glasses and join me in the most traditional of all Irish toasts:

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Hope to see you out this week and if not - have a happy St Paddy's Day with all your friends.

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