31 December 2005

2005 - A Year in Review

Here's to a great 2005! A ton happened this year, so here's just a recount of some highlights:

-last semester at CSU. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, finished up with our senior design project - actually produced hydrogen from our water electrolyzer - got to teach a couple classes filling in for one of my professors

-a job in town in Mechanical Engineering, actually putting my degree to use, working a lot and really enjoying it.

-lots of nights getting together with friends playing poker

-brewery tours at New Belgium Brewery, Odell's, Fort Collins Brewery

-lots of great movies: Garden State, Sin City, Napoleon Dynamite, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Motorcycle Diaries...

-several fun graduation parties, great food, beer, music, friends, family...

-fajita parties, sushi parties, wine & cheese parties, bbqs... with friends old and new, just in town for a couple days or living here

-two incredible girls who made the year unforgettable (you know who you are)

-irish festival in Denver that I had a 'musician' pass to and got to hang out in the musicians tent and talk with a couple people who I really admire.

-countless days playing the game "Killer Bunnies" with friends

-several great books (and a couple not so hot ones) - Neal Stephenson, the Harry Potter books

-watching Nebraska football end on an up note for the year winning their last three games and beating Michigan in the Alamo Bowl

-a great week in the summer spent in Nebraska for a huge family reunion

-a lot of fun festival gigs throughout the summer playing with my dad in Second Wind

-opening up for Mission 19 at the Aggie Theatre with the Michael Waido Band

-countless gigs at Lucky Joe's, Connor O'Neill's, & Raferty's with the Michael Waido Band, having way too much fun, starting to recognize people who come out specifically because we're playing

-playing the Brewfest and New West Fest this year in Old Town

-a near win in a battle of the bands

-finally releasing our CD, "Fellowship of the Flood"

If I'm leaving anything out, well, give me a break, there's a lot that happens in a year! But overall, it was a great year, and here's to keeping them coming in 2006!

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