31 December 2005

Cons vs Birks

I bought some new shoes Thursday. Which is weird for me, because I can't remember the last time I went out and actually looked for shoes for myself. All of the sudden I was thinking to myself, "I need to go out and get some Cons". Now I don't know why I suddenly thought that, I've never owned a pair of Converse in my life. And for at least 95% of the last eight years I haven't even had shoes with laces. I wear sandals pretty much up until there's snow on the ground and then I had these slip on clog type shoes. But Thursday I bought two pairs of Cons, brown and green. And they're awesome. It's rare that you put on a new pair of shoes and they're comfortable from the moment you get them. These were.

So then I got to thinking, do Cons and Birks mesh? If they met each other in a dark alley would they fight or would they go out for a beer? And if they fought who would win? You don't see a lot of hippies wearing Cons, and you don't see a lot of skaters wearing Birks, but Birks are worn not only by hippies, and Cons are worn by tons of people. So I thought I'd give it a go and see what happens. But I'll still keep them on opposite sides of the room ;)

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