28 December 2005

"Dot the I" review

This movie blew me away. I had no idea what to expect coming into it, other than a recommendation from one of my good friends who has yet to recommend to me something that I did not like. So I moved it to the top of my Netflix queue and watched it last night. Incredible.

10 out of 10.

I'm not going to say too much about it, because I enjoyed going into it really not knowing what it is about (the Netflix blurb on the case is not even the top of the iceberg, its like a penguin hanging out on the top of an iceberg) and I don't want to ruin it for you. I will say that the acting is really well done, and the characters and the story are very original. This is not your run of the mill movie, so if you're a big Rob Schneider fan or waited in line to see "The Fast and the Furious", it's probably not your type of movie. For the rest of you however, you need to check this out. The leads are played by Gael Garcia Bernal (young Che Guevara in "The Motorcycle Diaries" and Natalia Verbeke and actress from Argentina, who I hadn't seen in anything before. They both do an incredible job (Gael plays a Londoner, and pulls it off well, accent and all, and Natalia is quite attractive, which doesn't hurt) and the supporting cast is great as well.

If you're up for checking out a great original movie, put this on the top of your list.

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