11 November 2005

Another flat tire?!?

I am a pro at getting flat tires. If anyone has had more flat tires in a shorter period of time, I would like to meet them. And it's not like I drive through construction sites, or over hot lava, or boards with nails in them, or chase cars who throw spikes out the back to pop my tires. They just happen to go flat.

I thought this might change when I started riding bicycles, but I was wrong. I've been on a bike everyday for the past 3 months now, and I've gotten 5 flat tires! Different bikes too! I've gotten 2 on one of them and three on the other. Got my most recent one this morning on the way to work. And you know what? It used to be that there was nothing in life that got me pissed off except getting a flat tire. But today, wasn't angry at all. It was almost as if when I looked down and saw that the rear tire was flat, I had almost expected it. I wonder if now that I can deal with them civilly, I'll still get them? Let's hope not, because even if they don't bother me now as much as they did, it's still better to not get them at all.

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