01 November 2005

I love Colorado

I can't believe it's November 1st. I woke up today to a beautiful clear blue sky, and rode my bike to work at 7:30 in the morning. Looking at where the sun is you would swear that it is 10:00 or at least 9:00 and although I won't appreciate this as much when it's dark at 5:30 as I'm on my way home, I can live in the moment right now. The weather is perfect also. Not a hint of frost and the only thing that gives away the fact that summer has left us and we're full bore into the middle of fall is all of the fallen leaves on the ground. It had to be around 50 degrees, and with the sun I could have worn shorts and a t-shirt and been comfortable. Everything was there for the makings of a perfect day.

And then the back tire on my bike went flat and I had to carry the bike the last fifteen minutes to work.

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