14 November 2005

"The Day After Tomorrow" review

Alright. So I had heard this was a terrible movie from some of my friends, but I decided to watch it anyway, and I'm glad I did. Now it's not like it's one of my favorite movies, and probably not even in the top 50, but for an entertaining Saturday afternoon movie, when it's cold outside and you have nothing else to do, it hits the mark.

I give it 6 out of 10 stars.

Let me also tell you that I'm kind of a sucker for big disaster - how humans cope with terrible situations - type movies. And this movie followed the formula to a tea. Similar to "Independence Day" and "Armageddon", the movie touched on several different characters in the set up (you know, so we could get a feeling of their lives and feel bad when they die) and then followed a few main characters through the entire movie. I thought everyone in the movie did a good job, but I think they could have picked just about anyone for each role. The one actor who I thought did a great job, and was actually my favorite segment of the movie was Ian Holm, but I suppose that is to be expected. Not to look down on Dennis Quaid or anything, he did a great job also, but I think that other actors could have done the same.

Anyway over all I would say it was a pretty good flick, entertaining at least if not the most plausible movie. But seriously, if you're watching "The Day After Tomorrow" and expecting some scientifically based plausible story, you've got other problems than finding a good movie to watch.

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